Dialogues (2018)
Dialogues (2018)
Music by Dr. Oli Carmen
Sculpture and Coded Visuals by Dr. Mark Pilkington
Sound material was initially derived from recordings and transformations of found sounds including various metallic objects, stones and slate. After compiling a collection of short sound phrases the piece grew organically through a series of creative dialogues between electroacoustic composer Dr. Oliver Carmen and visual artist Dr. Mark Pilkington.
Mark initially produced a sculpture, using recycled Formica to provide a physical structure. Photographic images of the sculpture where coded into an interactive application. This could then be performed in a concert situation. The audio-visual process continued bouncing back and forth until completion of the final work.
Commissioned by the Open Circuit Music Festival 2018, The University of Liverpool.
Dialogues forms part of a body of artwork supporting The Dialogues Project research project at Thought Universe EMS, Manchester and the University of Liverpool With support from Dr. Eduardo Coutinho, Senior Lecturer in Music Psychology at the University of Liverpool.
Images of the Dialogues sculpture.